Sunday, September 23, 2007

Different folks, different styles

2 Batman pictures, one by me, one by hwang.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out who drew which one.

That day at AMK hub

It's my 100th post on this blog. I think I am supposed to celebrate or something.
Looking back one year, nothing has really changed.

However the main aim of this post is to "park" a space here, so that I wouldn't forget about the funniest shit I have ever heard in a long while....... if she lets me tell it. So, in the event she finally relents and lets me break the news to the whole world, I will be back to edit it.

It is so fun breaking people.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The post is password protected.
Please do a little dance before the computer to access it.

No really, I mean it.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Skin care tips!

Due to popular request, here I am sharing my secret skincare tips and tricks with my readers. For some unfathomable reasons, there are a truck load of women who thinks that I have great skin (Do note: they always say nice skin, but no one ever says nice face. Like what the..) The trick is a simple one.

Just use shampoo as your soap instead of your $39.90 shower spa thing that you imported from Japan/USA. It works, trust me.

The reason I started using shampoo as soap was mostly due to accident and my lack of ability to understand there is a difference between foam/shampoo/conditioner and the likes of them. Whatever my sisters buy, I will just use them. As far as I am concerned, as long as there are bubbles produced from the “soap”, you are clean. Bubbles = Clean, how hard is it to understand that? And I stuck to this simple formula for years without much problems (yet). I bet I have used conditioner, shampoo, mama lemon and similar products over the years and ended up with “respectable” skin that will put most makeup to shame. There was once I ended up smelling like a watermelon after my shower, due to some mix up and possibly chemical reaction from the unholy union of bar soap and shampoo. But hey, you got the end results you want. So yea! Don’t forget to thank me when your boyfriend or girlfriend compliments you next time. Buy me some mooncakes if you are feeling sincere.

I am kidding. I should be the last guy anyone would ask for skincare advice. My knowledge of shampoo can easily be summarized into 2 lines.

  1. Head and Shoulders kill dandruff, and should be the only brand you will ever need.
  2. They hurt like fuck when it gets into your eyes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

As requested

Someone's been complaining that I haven't updated for a while. So here you go, an awesome picture of Batman and Robin (Jason Todd) from the classic, A DEATH IN THE FAMILY.

I have got to do something about my obsession with Batman.

Monday, September 03, 2007


Last week I promised an article on why I never apologize, offering an insight into the mind of a deranged genius.

Sorry ah, will get it out soon.